Customized Massage Therapy
Just like a spinal adjustment, massage manipulates the vertebrae back into balance and manipulates the tissue and muscles to help to cleanse them of any toxins, speeds up healing and relaxes the patient.
Not only do we have a highly qualified Chiropractors on site, , but we also have numerous licensed massage therapists who are experts at providing a variety of top-quality therapeutic medical massage services.
Our massage therapists don’t just focus on the muscles during a massage – they are trained to target connective tissue, GI organs, and lymphatic vessels using their upper bodies.
You can be sure that when you visit your St. Augustine Chiropractor for a massage service, you will be welcomed into a private and relaxing atmosphere. All our massage services are overseen by our staff to guarantee you the utmost level of care.

Injuries we treat include, but are not limited to:
Headaches • Neck • Mid back pain • Numbness • Pain or tingling in the arms and hands • Dizziness
Decreased range of motion • Low Back Pain • Numbness and tingling in the legs or lower extremities • Shooting Pains • Sciatica • Herniated Discs • Shoulder Pain • Knee Pain • Hip Pain • Shooting Pains • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Wrist Pains • Ankle Pains • Foot Pain
Treatment Options
Chiropractic Care
Spinal manipulative therapy a.k.a. adjustments are used to put in motion back into the spine or extremity Cervical Mechanical
Traction, Spinal Decompression
Used for bulging cervical discs to create a degree of soft tissue tension and/or to allow for separation between joint surfaces.
Lumbar Mechanical Traction, Spinal Decompression
Treats herniated, bulging, and degenerative discs without surgery. State of the art technology gradually relieves neurocompression often associated with lower back pain. This process has been proven to relieve pain by enlarging disc space, reducing herniation and strengthening outer ligaments. It helps move herniated areas back into place, reversing high intradiscal pressures through application of negative pressure.
Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
Increases blood flow which helps to decrease inflammation and bring nutrients necessary for healing injuries. Stimulates local nerve cells which can have a pain reducing/anesthetic effect.
Hot Packs
Application of superficial heat that is most effective in subacute or chronic conditions. Cold Packs: Application of cold for withdrawal of thermal energy used in acute and severe spasticity.
Sound waves pass through the skin (a deep penetrating modality) to increase local blood flow, reduces swelling and acute/chronic inflammation. Also used for breaking fibrotic adhesions and reducing muscle spasms.Passive and Resistive Stretching
Used to increase muscle strength, endurance, flexibility, and mobility.
Intersegmental Traction, Spinal Decompression
Induces passive motion into the spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints and increasing mobility. Since discs have a poor blood supply, they get nutrients from the circulation of fluids surrounding spinal joints. Fixations prevent this natural circulation and can cause thinning and degeneration. Intersegmental traction helps increase and restore necessary elasticity and motion to the spine.
Manual Therapy
Neuromuscular, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, and Trigger Point Massage Therapy used to reduce muscle spasms, break adhesions and release trigger points in the muscle tissues.
Digital X-Ray
Digital x-ray imaging use sensors instead of the traditional photographic film. Advantages include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Also less radiation can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional radiography.
Rehabilitative/Muscle Strengthening Equipment
One-on-one patient contact by the provider using dynamic activities with lifting stations to improve functional performance. *Including an 8-Way Cervical Rehabilitation Machine.
Stages of Care
Stage 1: We begin our care with a thorough examination that leads to a general assessment that guides our treatment. Our treatment starts with therapeutic modalities that reduce inflammation in the injured areas as well as stimulate the muscles to increase circulation. At this stage, we also use passive stretching to increase the range of motion in the injured areas.
Stage 2: We advance using stimulatory modalities and an exercise program designed for the restoration of function in the injured areas.
Stage 3: We increase the rehabilitation at this stage, designing treatments for a broader musculoskeletal rehabilitation using conventional strengthening and stretching exercises as well as isotronic resistance equipment.
Our facility uniquely provides a full range of therapeutic modalities under one roof that allows us to manage our patient’s conditions with effective and convenient care. Our care strives to decrease pain levels and increase function and wellness with state-of-the-art physiotherapy services. We use a multi-disciplinary approach to musculoskeletal injuries with Rehabilitative/Sports Medicine, Massage Therapy and Manipulative Therapy.